As part of a commitment to help its members give back to the community, CCIM's "Community Caring In Motion" sponsored a meal packing event and packaged over 50,000 meals that were donated to area food pantries.
Over 200 volunteers representing a diverse group worked side by side to package the meals which were specially fortified macaroni and cheese dinners providing ingredients important for a balanced diet.
While food safety and quality were emphasized during the hands-on training, the experience is designed to be spirited, enriching, fun, and even transformative. Volunteers formed into production lines assembling meals from bins of pasta and soy, adding cheese packages and carefully weighing, heat-sealing and then packing into boxes. As each box of 36 packages was filled, a resounding cheer could be heard from each table, signifying success, excitement, and joy.
The packaged meals were distributed among several organizations. Prince Manor, a transitional housing location for veterans in Monteno, IL sent a team of veterans to pack food. They took with them 1,296 meals to help feed their brothers. A Safe Haven also sent a team of volunteers who helped to pack food. They took and distributed 1,512 meals to help feed over 400 homeless residents. The majority of the meals were then retrieved by the Northern Illinois Food Bank who distributed the meals among their 600 food pantry members.
With over 15,000 commercial real estate professionals across 30 Countries and North America, CCIM is dedicated to helping their own communities.
Over 200 volunteers representing a diverse group worked side by side to package the meals which were specially fortified macaroni and cheese dinners providing ingredients important for a balanced diet.
While food safety and quality were emphasized during the hands-on training, the experience is designed to be spirited, enriching, fun, and even transformative. Volunteers formed into production lines assembling meals from bins of pasta and soy, adding cheese packages and carefully weighing, heat-sealing and then packing into boxes. As each box of 36 packages was filled, a resounding cheer could be heard from each table, signifying success, excitement, and joy.
The packaged meals were distributed among several organizations. Prince Manor, a transitional housing location for veterans in Monteno, IL sent a team of veterans to pack food. They took with them 1,296 meals to help feed their brothers. A Safe Haven also sent a team of volunteers who helped to pack food. They took and distributed 1,512 meals to help feed over 400 homeless residents. The majority of the meals were then retrieved by the Northern Illinois Food Bank who distributed the meals among their 600 food pantry members.
With over 15,000 commercial real estate professionals across 30 Countries and North America, CCIM is dedicated to helping their own communities.