Honoring Our Youngest Feed6 Volunteer!
Dylan Walsh started volunteering with Feed6 when he was 13 years old in 2019, has attended dozens of our events and logged hundreds of service hours. He is now graduating from high school in May, 2024 and will head to college, possibly to the University of Michigan or University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign to study Kinesiology.
Since he joined Feed6 he has excelled in athletics, as well as academics, earning the highest GPA in his class this year. His parents credit much of his success to his experience working with all of us at Feed6 - providing inspiration and mentoring to him over the years - and instilling in him a consciousness of service and caring that is unusual in one so young. On Saturday, December 14th - his fifth anniversary of service with Feed6 - and at our 11th annual holiday event at Oaklawn Hometown Middle School (OLHMS) where he originally joined us in 2019 - we presented him with an Amazon gift card for his college supplies and books, as well as a Chicago Wolves pullover from HH2024! and a certificate of appreciation (below).
In attendance were his parents, Ann and Stephen Walsh, his basketball team along with Coach Rhodes, the principals of both his current high school, Oaklawn Community High School and OLHMS, several faculty advisors and instructors, our event co-hosts, and fellow Feed6 Volunteers, to applaud his outstanding contribution in the service to others.